


The class was founded in 1979 by Jessie Masheter and Elma Fraser.

We aim to update this section during 2023

About the class

The class is affiliated to the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society. It is currently a social/casual class rather than a formal teaching class, and generally focusses on having fun as well as learning dances upcoming on local dance programmes. Beginners are welcome and will learn the basics from the class tutor and other class members.

The class meets in a traditional rural Kilmorack hall which benefits from recently refurbished facilities, and offers the comfort of eco friendly reverse-cycle heating in the winter, and air conditioned comfort during hot spells in summer. The regular class is currently small, with a friendly, welcoming and casual feel. The tutor guides the class throughout the year and whether you are new to dancing, or have many years of experience, you will be made welcome by the class.

Each session lasts around 2 hours with a break around half time for tea/coffee and biscuits.

If you are a beginner dancer we'd encourage you to join near the start of term, but will still welcome you at any time of year. During your first week or two, you may decide to spectate for a while and join in when you feel able.

Casual and intermittent dancers are welcome to the class.

As well as the regular Tuesday Evening Class, Winter Socials are run approximately monthly from October through to March and Summer Socials monthly on a Monday evening between May and September. All are welcome to join us.

Kilmorack Hall

Location on google maps

Kilmorack Hall, approx 3 miles from Beauly on the A831 Cannich Road. IV4 7AH